
Microsoft edge view2
Microsoft edge view2

Photoshop 23.0.1 keept running in under 2GB of RAM and A I saved the caputres into a single jpeg here.

microsoft edge view2

I capture part of the Task Manager window and pasted them into a open document in the running Photoshop 23.0.1 You can see I ended those task and exited the 32bit Photoshop plug-in. Microsoft Edge WebView2 is not a virus, and you can safely install it on your computer. These screen captures were done right after starting 23.0.1 you can see at the point in time 23.0.1 usage of RAM is under 2GB. So I have no Idea why they were in there. I have also ended the task in Photoshop with Tasn manager and Photoshop keeps running and working. I have seen CS6 use up to 30GB on my 40GB machine the max amount of I allow Photoshop to use is 90% 36GB.

microsoft edge view2

I have run a large Batch job with 23.0.1 and by the end of the job Photoshop address space was up to 26.1GB. Microsoft Edge WebView2 Embed web content (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) in your native applications with Microsoft Edge WebView2. It uses the most started 1.6GB, where CS6 uses around 800MB. This including Photoshop 2022 version 23.0.1. All version of Photoshop I have install will use under 2GB when I first start them and nothing is open in Photoshop. How much RAM any version of Photoshop will use depends one what you do when Photoshop is up and running Whet they need more RAM the will allocate and user in and reuse it and not return it to the system till you shut down Photoshop or use edit Purge to have Photoshop to return some of the resource it has allocated and is not current in need of.

Microsoft edge view2